
Trying A New Tool: Animaker

This week, I set up and tried out  Animaker , an online AI animation and video maker.  I dabble with various learning platforms for training and classroom use, but animated videos are an area I have yet to explore. So, I thought, why not give it a go this week? My post this week is based on my experience with Animaker  and the features available with the free account. I will use the same five criteria I used when looking at Genially in an earlier post. Here’s how  Animaker   stacked up: Is it web-based? Yes.  You can share your projects with another  Animaker  user or publish them on various platforms such as YouTube, Blogger, or social media websites. Is it easy for me as the instructor to use to build out the lessons/activities?  Yes, but like all platforms, there is a learning curve. Training tutorials are available through your account Dashboard and can be viewed as needed to expand on training. Is it easy for students to use/understand?  Yes, as mentioned by Dhivyasshri Krishna in

Me & The Robots

Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of tasks? Those tasks can pile up until they're too much to handle. Whether making a grocery list or planning your social media posts, we could all use an extra hand. Now imagine if you had an assistant to handle these tasks for free, with minimal effort. This assistant is smart, reliable, and always available: meet AI. AI takes care of those tasks so you don't have to spend your time and brainpower to complete them.  Here are some examples of AL you've probably used at some point: GPS navigation systems Spell checkers Email filters/rules (I use it to auto-forward and organize emails) Wearable technology such as Fitbits & Apple Watches Personalized recommendations on platforms such as Netflix and Amazon These are simple applications of AI, but the technology has been around and is constantly improving. As someone who could use a few more hours in my day, I'm looking forward to things to come and the future of AI. For exam

Have you heard about Genially?

Have you heard about  Genially ? Nope, neither had I or at least I hadn’t until just a couple of months ago. After attending a conference, I came home and started investigating different web-based programs that could be used for gamification in the classroom. I wanted to create more engaging lessons and make the activities interactive for students. I was familiar with Kahoot and Padlet, but I knew there were others I could learn about.  When I was investigating options, I used the following criteria: Is it web-based? Is it easy for me as the instructor to use to build out the lessons/activities? Is it easy for students to use/understand? What’s the cost of the platform? Would it be easy to share with other instructors who teach the course? When I found Genially , I was in love! It met most of the criteria I was looking for and was a fun new tool to play around with.  But you’re probably still wondering—what is  Genially  exactly? Genially  is a web-based platform that a

The Magic of Canva Image Editing

I want to start this post by saying I know there are many other platforms for photo editing, but today I will focus on Canva, since it’s my favorite. 😊 If you like to design things, having Canva Pro is worth it. Over the years, I’ve gone back and forth between the free and paid versions of the platform, as well as trying out different design platforms, but I always come back to Canva. When I’m creating materials in Canva, I’m most often working on social media graphics, flyers, or presentations. With this variety of projects, I like to use both templates and my own ideas. So, I’ve put together my three favorite tools for editing photos (which also work for graphics). To demonstrate how each of these tools works, I’m using the same image and showing what each tool can do. The first image shows what I’m starting with. Background Removal – This might feel basic, but it’s a tool I use ALL the time. I find it especially useful for social media posts when I’m trying to create a main f

Hello PLNs

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of attending a conference. The experience was not just about learning new things, but also about connecting with peers who shared similar roles and understood the day-to-day struggles.  Like me many that I spoke with also had the desire to do  more,  but were often limited by time and resources. It was a refreshing change to see and hear about the innovative approaches others were taking in their programs. This collective energy and understanding left me inspired and ready to implement new ideas in my department.

Welcome techies!

Hey everyone, welcome to Techies & Talent! I'm excited to kick off my first blog journey with you all this summer. My goal with this blog is to explore how technology can enhance and support learning in the workplace. I've been in the workforce for about 15 years, and while I grew up with computers and cell phones, it's been exciting to see how technology has evolved over the last few decades. I remember the days of dial-up internet and sharing a phone with my siblings. I consider myself somewhat tech-savvy, but the nitty-gritty of computers and IT, like coding or network settings, feels like a foreign language. Even so, I'm fascinated by all the new possibilities technology has brought. It's incredible how phones, laptops, and other apps now allow us to do things that used to require a classroom and face-to-face interaction. In my current role, I have many opportunities to explore different tools that can help with training and supporting staff, so it's not