Me & The Robots

Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of tasks? Those tasks can pile up until they're too much to handle. Whether making a grocery list or planning your social media posts, we could all use an extra hand.

Now imagine if you had an assistant to handle these tasks for free, with minimal effort. This assistant is smart, reliable, and always available: meet AI. AI takes care of those tasks so you don't have to spend your time and brainpower to complete them. 

Here are some examples of AL you've probably used at some point:
  • GPS navigation systems
  • Spell checkers
  • Email filters/rules (I use it to auto-forward and organize emails)
  • Wearable technology such as Fitbits & Apple Watches
  • Personalized recommendations on platforms such as Netflix and Amazon

These are simple applications of AI, but the technology has been around and is constantly improving.

As someone who could use a few more hours in my day, I'm looking forward to things to come and the future of AI. For example, imagine that AI could take meeting notes (not just transcribe a meeting) for you, create and update your to-do list, and even sync everything across all your devices. It could do it automatically and then check things off, as they are completed. No additional steps are required of me. (There are apps to take meeting notes, but I want something that does more. Make me a list of to-do's and cross them off for me).

With new Generative AI tools being developed constantly, and as a busy person, I'm looking forward to what it can do to enhance my life.

Do you use Generative AI? How do you think it's been a benefit or not to you?

P.S. The graphic above is AI generated in Canva with the Magic Media tool. If you use the prompt: "Create a photo of humans having coffee with robots talking," do you get the same image?

P.S.S. If you are a teacher I highly recommend watching  AI 101 for Teachers: Transforming Learning with AI. It's got some great information on AI and ideas using it in the classroom.


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